This training kit will help you to organise better demonstrations! This website collects all interesting tools, guidelines and videos that can help you in organising a successful farm demonstration, both on farms and online. All materials provided here are the outcome of a unique collaboration between three European H2020 projects: AgriDemo-F2F, PLAID and NEFERTITI.
The tools are structured according to the prepare- deliver- evaluate logic, that is applied in practice in the hubs of the NEFERTITI project. We highly value this cycle for the successful organisation of farm demonstrations. While everybody is focussed at D-day, or the actual delivery of the demonstration event, a thorough preparation is the key to its success. But equally important, evaluation afterwards allows you to increase the impact of your event and to organise even more successful events in future.
On-farm demonstrations have been organised for at least two centuries, originally as a way to introduce farmers to innovation. But more recently they are also used to share experiences in a farmer-to-farmer setting, and to support knowledge co-creation between farmers and other actors.
Increasingly, farmers themselves are opening their farms to connect with their peers and the general public as part of business development strategies (e.g. short food supply chains, community supported agriculture). More recently, we were also urged to go virtual with farm demonstrations.

We hope that the tools, guidelines and inspiration from practice will inspire both farmers and other organisers of farm demonstration events to uplift there future demonstration events, whether on-farm or online. Please get in touch, in case you have interesting esperiences to share or to ask a question.
The FarmDemo Team.