Tools for
evaluation and follow-up

Increase impact of demo

Follow-up and evaluation of a demo event includes all activities that can be performed after the demo event ended to extent its impact. We distinguish 2 ways to increase the impact of your demo event:

  1. Improving your demo events  by performing a self-assessment
  2. Making sure that the key messages of your demo event stick with the participants and a wider audience by organising follow-up activities


Monitoring and evaluation helps the demo organisers to learn in a more structured way on how to improve their demo events. It is a way to both measure the success of a demo event and to improve the success of future demo events.

To assess the success of a demonstration, it is key to evaluate afterwards how it actually worked out. Demo organisers typically tend to evaluate a demo event somewhat intuitively, based on their own impressions.


However, a more structured evaluation of the demo event can provide better insights in the success of your demo event and provide useful lessons learned to improve future events. Important is to always assess your event in light of the prior set objectives for your event (Provide link).

  • Step 1: monitor your event. Observe what happens during the demo event and collect and report on what happened and what the participants learned.
  • Step 2: evaluate the monitored data. Assess the gathered data, while taking into account your previously setobjectives for the demo event.
  • Step 3: draw lessons. Organise a team reflection and aim for improvement of your following demo event.

As monitoring and evaluation can be a time consuming task, demo organisers might consider to engage a research organisation or agricultural college for this task. It could be a win-win for both parties.

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Monitoring tools allow to gather feedback on the set-up and organisation of the demo event, what participants learned on the short term (change in know-why, know-what and know-how),  and how participants will use their learnings on the long term.

In the FarmDemo projects, different types of monitoring tools were developed to monitor the organisation, dynamics, set-up, learning outcomes and impact of the demo event. They are available for download here.

download here

AgriDemo Survey before demo event

download here

AgriDemo Survey after demo event

download here

AgriDemo_Telephone survey_after event

download here

Farmdemo_NEFERTITI_Exit poll for demo events

download here

Farmdemo_NEFERTITI_Monitoring checklist for the organisation of a demo event

download here

Observation checklist for monitors

download here

Farmdemo_NEFERTITI_Tool for team reflection after the demo event